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Unpacking the FDA’s Non-Recall Recalls

When the Agriculture Department posted a recall of chicken nuggets that might be contaminated, it directed consumers to return them or throw the…

Tennessee Tries To Rein In Ballad’s Hospital Monopoly After Years of Problems

Ballad Health, an Appalachian company with the nation’s largest state-sanctioned hospital monopoly, may soon be required to improve its quality of…

Arkansas’ Governor Says Medicaid Extension for New Moms Isn’t Needed

Six weeks after an emergency cesarean section, with her newborn twins still in neonatal intensive care, Maya Gobara went to a pharmacy in…

California May Regulate and Restrict Pharmaceutical Brokers

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California Gov. Gavin Newsom will soon decide whether the most populous U.S. state will join 25 others in regulating the…

La tasa de personas sin seguro médico se mantiene estable, a pesar de la purga de Medicaid

La proporción de personas sin seguro de salud se mantuvo estable en 2023, informó la Oficina del Censo. Fue solo un poco más alta que el récord del…

Polémica estrategia contra la violencia con armas de fuego pone a policías armados en las escuelas

PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania. — En marzo de 2023, la falsa alarma de que un hombre armado andaba recorriendo escuelas secundarias católicas desencadenó…

Décadas de programas nacionales contra el suicidio no han frenado estas muertes

Si tú o alguien que conoces pudiera estar pasando por una crisis de salud mental, comunícate con la línea directa de suicidio y crisis 988,…

Watch: New Documentary Film Explores a Lynching and a Police Killing 78 Years Apart

Cara Anthony In 1942, a young Black man named Cleo Wright was removed from a Sikeston, Missouri, jail and lynched by a white mob.…

Historic Numbers of Americans Live by Themselves as They Age

Gerri Norington, 78, never wanted to be on her own as she grew old. But her first marriage ended in divorce, and her second husband died more…

A Possible Downside to Limits on Teens’ Access to Social Media

In 1982, then-Surgeon General C. Everett Koop warned that video games might be hazardous to young people’s health, a statement he later walked…